Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Learn to Laugh!

Why did the chicken cross the playground?

To get to the other slide!


I don't know about you, but I am an appreciator of the cheesy Laffy Taffy jokes :) I like them because they're so lame and silly that you can't help but at least give a humored groan when you hear them. Plus, they're easy to remember and they don't make fun of anyone or anything---they're harmless :)

Anyway, the point of sharing all of that is that today humor really brightened my day. I was feeling overwhelmed and stressed because of midterms, work, etc, etc and just wanted to go sleep for a hundred years in some cave. Then, I came to the office for one of my jobs to do some reading. There was a girl in there that I only know a little--her name is Ally. At first I wasn't planning on talking with her but then I felt like I should and I am so glad I did! She ended up showing me this crazy blog that has photos of a bunch of absolutely ridiculous cakes. As we looked at them, I started laughing out loud and felt the laughter start to lift my whole spirit and renew my hope ^u^. Afterward, I showed her a silly website with collections of really silly Japanese ads that misused English pretty atrociously. We had so much fun! Later, I remembered a really good scripture that I certainly think is true: "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." (Proverbs 17:22) How true that is. Today I felt like the laughter was actually sewing me back together--I think it helps us to see the good and even the ridiculous in life--it helps us not to be too serious :)

Here are the websites we were looking at if anyone else needs a smile!

http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/ (The photo I'm using came from this site ^u^)



PS- On a more spiritual note, check out this wonderful talk on learning to laugh and loving life by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin entitled "Come What May, and Love It."

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