Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Bit of Silver Lining

Overall, I feel the media focuses on stories of disasters, bombings, wars, deaths, and conflicts. While I do believe awareness of these things is important, I also believe there should be balance. We live in a world with both sadness and joy. I know and believe that there is much of hope in the world. Just the other day I read an article at nytimes.com and loved it for the sense of hope it brought. It reminded me that all over the world there are children wanting to laugh and play---there are people wanting to live peaceful lives. I don't think we should ever give up hope. That isn't what God intends. One of my favorite scriptures talks about this. Paul writes in 2 Timothy 1:17, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." There is so much reason to be happy and to hope :) And with God's help, we have the power to do good. And so: let's do it. Here is the article I was talking about---it's not only interesting for its glimmers of hope but also for the unique look it gives into the Afghan world today. Enjoy! It's called "Skateboarding in Afghanistan Provides a Diversion From Desolation." (The url is http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/26/sports/othersports/26skate.html). Also, here is a photo from the Canadian National Defense website of some cute little kids in Afghanistan :)

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